Saturday, September 7, 2013

Taken Over By Fruit

My life has been taken over by fruit.  What started out as a small canning project/idea at the beginning of the year has taken over a large part of my life.  Part of the problem is that right now everything is ripe.  Everything.  Right now.  And.... I'm a canner.  A lot of people aren't canners.  What does that mean?  They give you free food.  Lots of free food.  I LOVE free food.  I hate wasting ANYTHING.  And, therein lies my dilemma.
Long nights are spent in the kitchen frantically canning fruit and veggies.  Some will be for sale, some will be for gifts and some will just be for me.
My yard has fallen to the wayside, my carpet needs to be vacuumed, my dog looks at me longingly for a walk and my diet consists mainly of smoothies and tomato sandwiches - neither require much effort, little dishes and fill me up.
I love canning, and love cracking open a jar of tomatoes I canned 4 months ago and making sauce.  I love spreading blueberry jam on toast in February while I plan my garden for this year and wait for the snow to melt.  Invited to a party with nothing to bring?  Throw a jar of cherries in a bowl, add some spices and toss it into a pie crust.  Ta da.  I love canning.

Those pears we foraged last week, they have been kind enough to not go bad while I decide what to do with them.

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