Hey, I'm back! I didn't actually go anywhere, my life just got super crazy for a few weeks and I had absolutely no time to write anything. I'm going to try to change that; try being the operative word - things are still crazy.
To start with, I got a new job. It kind of came out of nowhere, but at the same time it didn't. I had been putting out to the Universe for months now that I wanted a new job. Something where I would have a set schedule, work earlier in the day, be close to home, make more money and be in a position to not only work with people to help them incorporate herbs and other aspects of natural health into their lives, but where I could learn more about herbs/health myself. My friend works at a local organic grocery store here and they have a Health and Beauty/Vitamins Dept, which she was managing. Well, she was promoted to managing the Grocery Dept (pretty much the bulk of the store), which left the HBA/Vitamin Dept in need of a manager. Do you see where this is going?
So far, this job is amazing. I'm home every day by 3:45pm. I actually get an afternoon AND evening to do things like vend at the Farmer's Market. What? And.....I get weekends off! What?! This is crazy. Not to mention all the reps. from various companies I've had the pleasure of meeting, all the new products I get to try, all the learning/trainings I've participated in already. It's amazing. I'm working, learning, helping people and I'm only 2.3 miles from my home. The Universe heard me.
While all that was happening (I also got to go to Columbus for a trade show my first week!) I've been spending a lot of time at my garden. My backyard garden has become somewhat of a lost cause. In addition to my neighbor's dogs the weather here in Northeast Ohio has not been favorable. We are almost through August and the hottest it has gotten is 80. While the temps are nice, not having full sun, cooler temps and obnoxious dogs means my garden isn't happy. One of my tomato plants is barely 2ft tall and has ONE tomato on it. Seriously. I planted some cooler weather veggies and they are sprouting and doing okay so I'm hoping for a bumper fall crop of broccoli, carrots and greens.....
My garden plot was doing great until this past Monday. I showed up to find my beans ripped from the fence and thrown in a heap in front of my tomatoes. Some of the tomatoes were knocked over, our fall seedlings were trampled and our stick markers were broken. Behind the fence, where there was all kinds of lush green including lots of different medicinal/edible plants, everything was gone. Like, someone took a flame thrower and destroyed everything. I called the City and the Westerly (the building that owns the property we grow on) and was informed that the city had pulled everything because they are going to be re building the fence (so we need to have everything moved away from the fence within the next 6 weeks) and that the Westerly hired a "professional" landscaper to do some work and he was instructed not to spray within a foot of the gardens. Really?! A whole 12 inches is going to protect our ORGANIC garden from whatever bullshit you are spraying? So, basically my garden is worthless. I haven't called the Westerly back yet after they left a message informing me what happened because I've been too pissed off. Thankfully the other local gardeners/farmers have been having a way better year than I have so I'm still filled up on produce - it's just not mine.
Roxy was sick for a minute, but she seems to have bounced back again. She's 14, she's missing a toe, missing a tooth, has had a tumor on her liver for 2 and a half years now, developed Vestibular Syndrome two months ago, was sick for a few days this week and just keeps going. My brother insists I'm doing some kind of magick/voodoo to keep her alive. Despite her age and setbacks she still goes up and down 2 flights of stairs multiple times a day, goes for mile long walks, runs around the house, has a wicked appetite and is just generally in good health - save for breath that'll melt off your eyebrows.
So, that's what is new with me. In foraging news, we've started our wild pear harvest, we delved into some local Sumac and made sumac-ade and we are still picking clover blossoms. I'm also going to start my plantain harvest shortly.
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