Guess who received their official membership card for the Herb Society of American yesterday?!
Woot! I jumped for joy when I got this in the mail. It's a pretty cool organization if you are interested. They have been around since the 1930's and with your membership you receive quarterly newsletters and their journal The Herbarist in addition to discounts at their bookstore, access to their library, free admission into gardens and greenhouses all over the country and a lot of other cool perks.
In other news, I scored some pretty sweet books this week.
Using Plants for Healing is a book I requested through If you aren't familiar, its a great resource for books. Its a free site where you register and list books that you have you don't want anymore. Another member requests that book, you mail it to them and then you receive a credit. You then use your credits to request books from other members. Very cool.
The Mushrooms Demystified is a book I have coveted for a long time. It's quite a massive book, (almost 2 inches thick!) and covers anything and everything you could possibly need to know about mushrooms.
The last book, Flower Essences, I got at work. It wasn't in the best condition for resale, so I scored it for free! I'm pretty interested in this book in particular because I know nothing about flower essences and I think it'll prove to be interesting.
I'm also excited to announce (there is a lot of excitement in this post) that I will be teaching a class on Herbal Infusions next month here in Lakewood! Woot! Details will be forthcoming, but it will be near the end of the month. I cannot wait to teach this class.
I will leave you with some pretty pictures of flowering plants in my home.
The top photo is my primrose and the bottom is of my African violet :)
Happy Friday!
happy friday to you!